Montrouge Porte Sud

Montrouge (92120)

  • Montrouge Porte Sud immeuble Gecina façade 1
  • Montrouge Porte Sud immeuble Gecina façade 2

Montrouge Porte Sud is located on the edge of the South of Paris. This 12,000 sq.m operation rehabilitates an existing building and adds wood-frame extensions on 7 levels. Consisted  of 1600 sq.m of gardens and 1450 sq.m of terraces, it targets six environmental labels and certifications.

14 rue François Ory,  92120  Montrouge
11 190
Agence SCAU
Q2 2024
BBCABiodiverCityHQE BD 2016 ExcellentWELL GoldLEED GoldWiredScore Gold