Our priority: workplace equality
We actively promote diversity and equal opportunities. Our human resources policy, which is both social and societal, is shared and driven by our 500 employees, 59% of whom are women. A team spirit that allows employees to work together while developing their own talents.
Our commitments in figures
The effectiveness of our workplace equality policy is recognized, and is attested by our actions.
women in the 100 most high-responsibility positions
of the Board of Directors are women
our gender pay equality index
2024 gender pay equality index in detail
Promoting diversity
Our commitments are more than just talk. We wanted to make them official, by signing:
- The Diversity Charter in 2011
Persons with disabilities
We work together to fight discrimination. We go further than regulatory requirements to encourage the employment of persons with disabilities.
At December 31, 2024
- 5,2% of our employees have a disability, (new calculation according to the OETH reform) more than the mandatory 6%
- €580,510 were allocated to the protected and disability-friendly sector
- Our employees are able to extend their commitment through corporate-Foundation actions in support of persons with disabilities
Employing the young and seniors
We believe in inter-generational dialog and cooperation in the workplace.
At December 31, 2022
- 17% of our hires aged under 26 have permanent contracts
- 3,4 % of our employees over 55 benefit from adjusted working hours