General Meetings

The General Meeting is a special time for meeting and sharing news of the Group’s life with our shareholders.

Preparatory documents for the General Meeting

Publications and press releases  04.04.2024

Voting form

Publications and press releases  04.04.2024

Directors and Chief Executive Officer, and their duties

Publications and press releases  04.04.2024

Information on the candidates to the Board of Directors

Publications and press releases  04.04.2024

Annual financial statements

Publications and press releases  04.04.2024

Consolidated financial statements

Publications and press releases  04.04.2024

Appropriation of income

Publications and press releases  04.04.2024

The company’s results over the last five fiscal years

Publications and press releases  03.06.2024

Summary of financial authorizations

General Meetings

General Meetings are a special time for the shareholders and the managers, but also an opportunity to play a part in the Group’s decisions.


How to attend?

Any person holding at least one Company share two business days before the meeting may attend a General Meeting. One voting right is attributed to each share.


What are the types of meetings?


  • Ordinary General Meeting (OGM)

    It is held once a year to provide shareholders with a report on the Company’s management, results and strategy. This presentation is followed by a discussion between the shareholders and the executives of the Company, and then by voting on the resolutions (concerning the members of the Board of Directors, the approval of financial statements, determining the dividend, etc.). Decisions are taken by a simple majority.


  • Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)

    It is convened when this is required to take important decisions, in particular the statutory changes. The decisions are taken by a majority of two-thirds of the voting rights.


  • Combined General Meeting (CGM)

    It is a general meeting that combines a GM and EGM on the same date and on the same invitation for practical reasons.


How can I be informed of the holding of a General Meeting?


You are a registered shareholder, you will systematically receive your notice of meeting at your place of residence, at least 15 days before the General Meeting is held. You are bearer shareholders, you must consult the information published on our corporate website. 


How to attend a General Meeting? 


If you are:

  • registered shareholders : you can request an admission card from Gecina (Securities & Stock Market service)
  • bearer shareholders: you must request a certificate of participation from your authorized intermediary who maintains securities accounts.



This General Meetings section of the website allows you to:


  • Consult archives of previous General Meetings;
  • Access the electronic voting form;
  • Obtain the regulatory information as it becomes available;
  • Obtain instructions for filling out the single paper vote form or use our online voting (VOTEACCES) module.