Our young talent incubators
Our students and graduates come from diverse backgrounds, including business schools (HEC, ESCP Europe, EM Lyon, Edhec…), engineering schools (ESTP, École Polytechnique, École Centrale Supélec Paris, École des Ponts, École des Mines de Paris, ENSAE…) and leading universities (Université Paris Dauphine, Université Paris Sorbonne…). But first and foremost, we look for young talents who want to engage in a more sustainable city and embrace our company’s values: focus on performance, sense of service and collective spirit.
Gecina invests in young talents
The company is mentoring the 2021-2024 class at PolyTech Angers, Angers University’s engineering school, which is renowned among other features for its commitment to student diversity.
Significant results
In 2024, 17% of recruitments concerned young people under the age of 26.
Our trainees and interns represent 4,8% of our workforce today.
In 2024, we welcomed seventeen trainees on work-study contracts for 1 to 2 years, in various activities.
Solidarity with young people
Gecina carries out solidarity actions in partnership with École de la 2ème Chance, offering CV writing workshops and mentoring with our teams. Whenever possible, we also set aside dedicated job offers for these students.
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