Circular economy
Saving our planet means reducing waste. As a major player in the real estate sector, we are doing our part in this shared effort and taking a circular economy approach in our projects. We are committed both to limiting our consumption of building materials and to smart reuse.
Reasons for our commitment
Two-thirds of the waste managed in France originates on construction sites. To offset this, all real estate companies will soon be required to recover 70% of their waste. We didn't wait for this regulation to get started. And we’re taking it a step further by cutting raw material consumption at the source and opting for eco-designed products. We continue these efforts until just after our buildings open for service, reusing for example by as much of the hot water and wastewater as possible. Lastly, we extend the lifespan of our buildings while remaining mindful of changing user trends.
We have been affiliated with the Re-use Booster (Booster du Réemploi) since 2020, which helps strengthen the process of implementing our roadmap.Our commitment to the circular economy is more than just words. It's actions.
Our objectives
Using digital marketplaces to find operators ready to reuse construction site waste
Automating material reuse audits prior to transformation, as we did for "l1ve" at 75 avenue de la Grande Armée.
Reusing resources yet to be recovered, like heat generated from data centers or kitchens
Integrating the circular economy beginning with the building design stage to extend their lifespan
Our performance
A commitment to the circular economy must be in the form of concrete acts. Our current initiatives and how well they are performing illustrate our commitment.
As at December 31, 2023
of delivered construction site waste in 2023 was recycled as materials
2,285 tons
of materials reused in our construction sites since 2019
of waste upgraded in matter or energy
Our main initiatives
We have mobilized for the circular economy during the construction phase and while operating our buildings. Our customers share our concerns. We do everything we can in this regard whenever possible.
- We have systematized of re-use AMO's and ressource diagnostics for all our assets under development.
- We have strengthened the requirement for materials derived from re-use or those with a long life cycle (repairability, lifetime, warranty of spare parts) for our renovation projects.
- 14 projects in 2023 were the subject of a concrete circular economy action (i.e. reuse in cleaning or supply or use of the framework agreement on carpet).
- Launch of the "The Loop", an application dedicated to the circular economy with the aim of maximizing re-use synergies between our assets by matching supply with demand.
Our 4 CSR pillars
We are committed day in and day out to respecting people, the planet, and the environment. The circular economy is one of our 4 CSR policy pillars.

We are reducing our greenhouse gas emissions and aiming for carbon neutrality by 2030.

People are changing their mindsets and ways: we are meeting their expectations by enhancing their well living at work and at home.

Because our buildings are places for living, we also respect local animal and plant habitats.
Go further
2022 Universal Registration Document
Our circular economy initiatives, our key figures and their changes are detailed in our 2022 Universal Registration Document. Find out more