
Our offices, homes and student residences are ideally located in the heart of urban Paris and its region. Our creed : to foster diversity of use and create living spaces.

Investment policy and property management

We chose to locate our properties in the Parisian neighborhoods with the strongest potential. We are investing in the long-term. Each of our assets is part of an operational excellence program providing maximum yield. The ways in which our end customers use our properties is essential to us. That is why we have designed a range of dedicated value-creating services.
Our portfolio rotation improves our positioning in the most centrally located areas

In the heart of Paris

Most of our property holdings are located in the heart of Paris and the western suburbs. Our fundamentals: scarcity, centrality and innovation.

Our properties respond to the latest user requirements

With 79% of offices and 21% of private and student residences, we are developing living spaces and fostering diversity of use.


Close to 1.2 million sq.m mostly in Paris and the western suburbs.


Close to 6,000 housing units located primarily within Paris and its Region.

Student residences
Student residences

18 campuses with nearly 3,100 beds, over half of which are in the Paris region.

In development
In development

The Group has €2.4 billion in its entire project pipeline, €1.8 billion of which is, or will soon be, committed to operations. 


Valuation of assets per activity

At December 31, 2023

Our properties in figures

At December 31, 2024